International Action Center

San Diego for Trayvon MartinSan Diego for Trayvon Martin

San Diego for Trayvon Martin

The July 13 “not guilty” verdict for George Zimmerman in the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla., generated…

August 8, 2013

Los Angeles demands ‘Hands off Syria’

Hundreds of anti-war and social justice activists, representing many groups, including an organization of Syrian activists, gathered in unity to oppose the…

June 10, 2013
Youth contingent adds politics to Buffalo, N.Y., Pride paradeYouth contingent adds politics to Buffalo, N.Y., Pride parade

Youth contingent adds politics to Buffalo, N.Y., Pride parade

Buffalo, N.Y. — Youth with the International Action Center carried banners and signs in the Buffalo Pride Parade on June 2.…

June 3, 2013
Protest invades ‘Banana Republic’Protest invades ‘Banana Republic’

Protest invades ‘Banana Republic’

Demonstrators demanding safety measures protecting Bangladesh garment workers filled the Banana Republic, then moved to the Gap and Old Navy…

May 29, 2013
Mariela Castro Espín, a leader of Cuban Revolution, hosted by the International Action CenterMariela Castro Espín, a leader of Cuban Revolution, hosted by the International Action Center

Mariela Castro Espín, a leader of Cuban Revolution, hosted by the International Action Center

New York — An inspiring and electrifying meeting was held at the Solidarity Center in New York City on April…

April 26, 2013

Georgia immigrants say, ‘Sí, se puede!’

Thousands of immigrant workers and their families rallied and marched in Atlanta, one of the many cities taking part in…

April 17, 2013
Solidarity with VenezuelaSolidarity with Venezuela

Solidarity with Venezuela

Ten days of actions and meetings in the United States and other countries began on Jan. 22 in solidarity with…

January 31, 2013
At gala dinner in New York, hundreds pay tribute to Ramsey Clark and International Action CenterAt gala dinner in New York, hundreds pay tribute to Ramsey Clark and International Action Center

At gala dinner in New York, hundreds pay tribute to Ramsey Clark and International Action Center

The event at historic Riverside Church’s Assembly Hall the evening of Jan. 12 will long be remembered. Over 350 political,…

January 16, 2013
Police victim Mark McMullenPolice victim Mark McMullen

Police victim Mark McMullen

In an alarming epidemic of police killings of African-American men throughout the U.S., the case of Mark McMullen is another…

October 8, 2012

Outside U.N., protest U.S. use of drones

The Pakistan USA Freedom Forum and its allies rallied for three hours at 47th Street and First Avenue across from…

September 27, 2012