International Action Center

Webinar builds Workers Summit of the AmericasWebinar builds Workers Summit of the Americas

Webinar builds Workers Summit of the Americas

The Tijuana Workers Summit of the Americas is scheduled for June 10-12. Organizers held a April 29 webinar to promote…

May 2, 2022
Actions of solidarity with Greece’s workersActions of solidarity with Greece’s workers

Actions of solidarity with Greece’s workers

In response to a call for global actions in solidarity with the besieged people of Greece, protests have been held…

July 16, 2015
Solidarity with Greek workersSolidarity with Greek workers

Solidarity with Greek workers

Demonstrators from the International Action Center, the Peoples Power Assembly, the revolutionary youth group FIST (Fight Imperialism, Stand Together) and…

July 6, 2015
From Baltimore to Donbass — Resisting fascism, imperialism and warFrom Baltimore to Donbass — Resisting fascism, imperialism and war

From Baltimore to Donbass — Resisting fascism, imperialism and war

Report submitted for the Donbass International Solidarity Forum titled "Anti-fascism, Internationalism, Solidarity," held on May 8, 2015, in the Lugansk…

May 16, 2015
‘Colombian peace process must go forward’‘Colombian peace process must go forward’

‘Colombian peace process must go forward’

Below is a statement issued on April 20 by a fact-finding delegation that traveled to Cuba to assess the peace…

April 23, 2015

Community-labor resolution: Stand with Odessa!

Workers World received this resolution, initiated by the International Action Center. Join Cynthia McKinney, Ramsey Clark, José María Sison, Cindy…

October 31, 2014

The FBI came looking for me

To the editor, I am writing to let everyone know that the FBI visited my father today with the intention…

October 25, 2014

Anti-fascists massacred in Odessa to be remembered, honored

November 2 marks six months since the horrific massacre of at least 48 anti-fascist activists and trade unionists in Odessa,…

October 23, 2014

Forum on Ukraine repression and resistance

Berkeley, Calif. -- As part of an international tour of a photo-documentary chronicle of the war in Ukraine and the…

October 13, 2014

‘Behind the Red Line’ highlights human suffering of U.S.-backed war

The following is an International Action Center news release of Sept. 4. A dramatic exhibit of 40 photos by Russian…

September 4, 2014