
Indigenous nations in Oklahoma win Supreme Court ruling

A surprisingly progressive Supreme Court decision found that over one-third of Oklahoma still falls into “Indian Country” under federal law…

November 3, 2020

March for missing and murdered Indigenous people and their families

On Oct. 24, 200 people marched through downtown Seattle to demand “Justice for Renee Davis and baby Massi.” The Indigenous-led…

October 28, 2020

March for missing and murdered Indigenous people and their families

Seattle On Oct. 24, 200 people marched through downtown Seattle to demand “Justice for Renee Davis and baby Massi.” The…

October 26, 2020

Indigenous Peoples Day in the time of COVID-19

To see people still celebrating Columbus in the time of COVID immediately brings to mind the smallpox and other pandemics…

October 21, 2020

On Indigenous Peoples Day 2020: Junipero Serra statue bites the dust

Mission San Rafael, Calif.  Some 60 people responded to a call by members of the Coast Miwok of Marin for…

October 19, 2020

#SinkColumbus: Indigenous Peoples’ Day now!

Boston United American Indians of New England and North American Indian Center of Boston marched through Boston, several hundred strong,…

October 16, 2020

Standing Rock gana la victoria legal contra Oleoducto

En una victoria para la tribu Sioux de Standing Rock contra el oleoducto Dakota Access, el juez de distrito de…

July 23, 2020

Standing Rock wins legal victory against Dakota Access Pipeline

In a victory for the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe against the Dakota Access Pipeline, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg ruled…

July 20, 2020

Lakota treaty defenders block highway to Mount Rushmore Trump traffic

On the heels of a campaign rally at the site of the 1921 Tulsa, Okla., white-mob massacre of Black Wall…

July 6, 2020

Black and Indigenous solidarity deepens

As pent-up anger against white supremacy boils over in the uprising after the murder of George Floyd, Black and Indigenous…

June 23, 2020