
Day of Mourning honored at Plymouth

Indigenous people and supporters gathered despite sub-zero wind chills for the 49th National Day of Mourning at Plymouth, Mass. The…

November 30, 2018

#NoDAPL water protector sentenced to 57 months

#NoDAPL water protector Red Fawn Fallis was sentenced July 11 to 57 months in prison by a federal judge in…

July 27, 2018

Fracked gas pipeline explodes in fireball

A fireball shooting up from an exploding natural gas pipeline in Moundsville, West Virginia, on June 7 was seen as…

June 14, 2018

Indigenous women, the land and the struggle against settler colonialism

A talk by Mahtowin, co-leader of United American Indians of New England,  at an International Working Women’s Day forum on…

April 24, 2018

Bears Ears fight exposes history of U.S. genocide

The Trump White House’s plan to steal 1 million acres from Bears Ears National Monument lays bare the history of…

December 19, 2017

‘Indigenous unite to defend water and stolen lands’

Excerpted from talk at workers World Party National Conference, Nov. 11-13. Everyone has heard of the magnificent struggle going on…

November 16, 2016

40 años del incidente en Oglala: ¡Libertad para Leonard Peltier!

publicada el 01 de julio 2015 A continuación presentamos algunos extractos de una declaración escrita por el prisionero político e…

July 7, 2015

Fortieth anniversary of Oglala incident: Free Leonard Peltier!

Following are excerpts from a statement written by Native political prisoner Leonard Peltier on June 26, 2015. Peltier has been…

July 1, 2015

Bring Peltier home in 2012!

Harry Belafonte and Pete Seeger hosted a full house at the “Bring Leonard Peltier Home in 2012? concert Dec. 14…

December 19, 2012

The myth of Columbus

Based on a talk entitled “On the 520th anniversary of the landing of Columbus: What his legacy means for Indigenous…

November 21, 2012