
Sgt. Bergdahl’s return home

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s return to U.S. soil on June 13, after nearly five years’ captivity, was a Kafkaesque media event.…

June 29, 2014

Bowe Bergdahl: hero or scapegoat?

U.S. imperialism’s political switches can be breathtaking. It only took two days for Bowe Bergdahl to change from a diplomatic…

June 11, 2014

Uruguay president says: Yes to Gitmo prisoners, now what about Cuban 5?

Uruguayan President Jose Mujica broke through the U.S. corporate media blockade and made headlines about the Cuban 5 heroes —…

March 27, 2014

Shut Guantánamo down!

They won’t try us. They won’t let us live in peace, and they won’t let us die in peace.” —…

May 12, 2013

Líder del IAC-CAI habla sobre Guantánamo y las prisiones secretas de EE.UU.

La codirectora del Centro de Acción Internacional Sara Flounders, fue entrevistada por RT Noticias el 29 de enero con respecto…

February 6, 2013