Monsanto, genetic engineering and food

If genetically modified (GM) foods and genetically engineered (GE) agricultural products are as “safe” as manufacturers Monsanto and Dow AgroSciences…

October 8, 2012

Autoworkers speak out: ‘We got a war going on’

Detroit — When you read about the auto industry in the news media, all they talk about is the “rebound” of…

September 22, 2012
Colombian hunger strike comes to GM’s homeColombian hunger strike comes to GM’s home

Colombian hunger strike comes to GM’s home

Working at breakneck speed under antiquated conditions at the General Motors Commodores plant in Bogotá, Colombia, more than 200 workers…

September 17, 2012

Still no justice for injured GM workers in Colombia

The struggle continues for a just resolution of the ongoing crisis facing a group of General Motors workers in Colombia…

September 6, 2012

‘Todos somos ASOTRECOL’

Última noticia: La GM aceptó volver a la mesa de negociaciones resultado de la valentía de los trabajadores colombianos y…

August 29, 2012

’We are all Asotrecol’

Activists from Detroit and Ann Arbor, Mich., came together on short notice for an emergency demonstration to support the fired,…

August 24, 2012

Hunger strike in Colombia: GM workers sew lips shut outside U.S. Embassy

No one comes to work expecting or intending to be hurt. Being injured on the job creates both physical and…

August 15, 2012

Trabajadores de GM comienzan huelga de hambre frente a Embajada de EE.UU.

Nadie viene a trabajar esperando o con la intención de ser lastimado. Ser lesionado en el trabajo crea dificultades físicas…

August 15, 2012