
On U.S. bases, schools, roads and parks – Symbols, names reinforce institutional racism

Following the June 17 racist massacre in South Carolina, a groundswell of activists has pushed to eliminate the glorification of…

July 7, 2015

German political leader says: ‘Fuck U.S. imperialism’

Oskar Lafontaine, former German finance minister and political leader of, first, the Social Democratic Party, and most recently the Left…

June 29, 2015

Israeli gov’t targets dissident IDF veterans

“Cases of abuse toward Palestinians, looting, and destruction of property have been the norm for years, but are still explained…

June 28, 2015

Mass protest confronts G7 summit

Like medieval lords plotting against an impending peasant revolt after a bad harvest, the heads of the seven most powerful…

June 9, 2015

Ukraine, NATO and history: Communists defeated Nazis in WWII

Seventy years ago, on May 8 and 9, 1945, millions all over the world gave shouts of joy and relief…

May 12, 2015

Europe austerity met with mass, militant protests

The European Central Bank decided a few years ago that to properly enforce its policy of harsh austerity on countries…

March 30, 2015

Thousands protest NATO in Munich

While NATO officials from the 28 current member countries of the U.S.-dominated military alliance met in Munich, Germany, 4,000 people…

February 13, 2015

Mass anti-racist marches confront Islamophobic drive in Germany

Berlin Bulletin No. 83, Jan. 21, 2015  Workers World republishes this article for our readers as it focuses on the…

January 22, 2015

Workers in Germany challenge Amazon

The Christmas spirit doesn’t suspend the class struggle. German workers and their union, Ver.di, want a higher minimum wage and…

January 11, 2015

Letter on the Berlin Wall and the war between capitalism and socialism

In response to the Nov. 11 editorial, “The wall & counterrevolution,” published on the 25th anniversary of the end of…

January 11, 2015