
Long live the working class of France: Vive la classe ouvrière de la France!

The working class of France is in the streets, with millions of people striking and demonstrating.  The proverbial straw —…

March 27, 2023

From Vilnius to Kinshasa, Macron tries to puff up French imperialism

Lithuania, a new member of NATO on the Baltic Sea, doesn’t have the air force its regime claims it needs.…

March 7, 2023

Workers in France ponder how to defeat pension cutbacks

Public opinion polls show a massive rejection of the government’s plan to “reform” France’s pension system. President Emmanuel Macron means…

February 16, 2023

2.5 million French workers defend pensions, defy gov’t attacks

Responding to a joint call from France’s union confederations, 2.5 million angry French workers protested Jan. 31 in 250 cities…

February 5, 2023

Mass strike in France to defend pensions – Time to fight for Social Security here

Over 2 million workers in France participated in a general strike/mass mobilization on Jan. 19, denouncing plans by President Emmanuel…

January 27, 2023

They want to lead us into war – interview with historic African leader from Mali

By Raphaël Schmeller This interview with Aminata Dramane Traoré was first published Nov. 30 in the German newspaper junge Welt…

December 2, 2022

Workers in France conduct one-day general strike

Protesters clashed with the police in numerous cities, as 300,000 workers participated in a partial general strike in France Oct.…

October 28, 2022

U.S. hands off Haiti!

As we write this editorial, rumors abound that the U.S. military has already moved to seize an airport in Haiti.…

October 24, 2022

French workers resist increasing exploitation

France is in turmoil: Gasoline shortages affect more than 60% of households; inflation is increasing; oil company profits are off…

October 21, 2022

Haiti under the gun

In the current situation in Haiti, organized groups — invariably called gangs by the bourgeois media — often have more…

July 25, 2022