
French workers protest attacks on pensions

Some 370,000 protesters came out in 200 demonstrations throughout France on Sept. 10., showing a groundswell of opposition to the…

September 23, 2013

Worldwide protests reject U.S. attacks on Syria

Thousands of protests throughout the world since Aug. 21 –- from street demonstrations to public statements and resolutions –- have…

September 3, 2013

Protests in France mark the murder of young anti-fascist student

Clément Méric, an 18-year-old student at an elite university in Paris and a militant in the Antifascist Action collective (AAPB),…

June 16, 2013

Mali youth protest French military occupation

France is continuing its occupation of northern Mali to the growing displeasure of youth who staged a sit-in in the…

June 9, 2013

Workers worldwide fight austerity, low wages

Millions marched in 80 countries to commemorate International Workers Day — May Day. They united in protest of austerity policies…

May 8, 2013

As French troops stay in Mali, suffering grows

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian visited the West African state of Mali on April 26, where his troops have…

May 7, 2013

French troops in Central African Republic during coup

A military coup on March 24 in the capital city of Bangui changed the government of the Central African Republic.…

April 4, 2013

Anti-war group discusses growing imperialist intervention in Africa

Anti-war activists from across the U.S. and Vancouver, British Columbia, joined the United National Antiwar Coalition for an educational conference…

February 26, 2013

French imperialism moves deeper into Mali

Since Jan. 11, when France launched bombing attacks and a ground invasion into the resource-rich African country of Mali, Paris…

February 12, 2013

France, U.S. escalate imperialist intervention in Africa

On Feb. 2, French President Francois Hollande visited Mali, claiming victory over insurgent groups that had taken control of the…

February 5, 2013