
Conflicts in Africa facilitate imperialist intervention

Fierce battles took place in early January in two states of oil-rich South Sudan — Unity and Jonglei states, not…

January 15, 2014

Workers’ struggle in Cambodia: the back story

When the police in Cambodia shot and killed four people Jan. 3 during a workers’ demonstration calling for higher wages…

January 11, 2014

Central African Republic marches demand French troops out

The French government has admitted that 1,600 of its troops are now deployed in the Central African Republic, a former…

January 2, 2014

Pentagon abets French incursion in Africa

After a Dec. 8 meeting between U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and French Defense Minister Yves Le Drian while…

December 12, 2013

Nigerian Labor Congress co-hosts solidarity conference with the Saharawi people

A long-delayed referendum on the independence of Saharawi from Morocco was the subject of the African Conference in Solidarity With…

November 10, 2013

Thieves fall out over NSA spying

President Dwight Eisenhower famously warned of the dangers of the military-industrial complex as he left office in 1961. Even this…

October 31, 2013

U.S., France step up intervention in Africa

U.S. military operations on Oct. 5 in Libya and Somalia were neither isolated events nor solely prompted by the siege…

October 23, 2013

French high school students protest racist deportation

Léonarda Dibrani was on a class trip Oct.9 in Doubs, a small community near the French-Swiss border, when French cops…

October 22, 2013

Union’s pro-solidarity history wins support in class battle

Oct. 14 — A giant transnational corporation’s grinding attack on a militant union in Boston has led to an explosion…

October 16, 2013

Vietnam’s revolutionary hero Vo Nguyen Giap dies at 102

By Paddy Colligan and G. Dunkel Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap, a hero and leader of the Vietnamese people’s struggles against Japanese, French…

October 4, 2013