
Delaware, Florida cancel primaries to deny ‘uncommitted’ challenge to Biden

Under the erroneous presumption that President Joe Biden was running unopposed in the primary elections, two states — Delaware and…

April 18, 2024

DeSantis and Jacksonville racist killings

Once again racism raised its ugly head in a violent manner. A racist shooter killed three Black people near a…

September 4, 2023

Drop the charges on the Tampa 5!

Actions held July 12 in front of New York City Hall, shown, and in 13 other cities demanded “Justice for…

July 20, 2023

Florida: Campus protesters face felony charges for opposing Gov. DeSantis agenda

From Fightback News Tampa, Florida  There is a growing movement across the country to demand that Florida prosecutors drop the…

April 17, 2023

¡Defiende el derecho al voto de los presos!

A menos de dos semanas de las elecciones de mitad de período, ha habido al menos 20 casos de personas…

November 9, 2022

‘Save our children’ − from bigotry and hatred!

Right-wing forces are generating legalized hatred and bigotry in the U.S. under the banner of “Save Our Children!” In Texas,…

March 16, 2022

Capitalism behind fatal building disasters

Two preventable catastrophes caused by capitalist greed in housing construction occurred four years and thousands of miles apart, and in…

June 28, 2021

Trans youth attacked by legislative hate bills

The following are excerpted comments from panelists at an April 1 webinar, “Transgender Day of Visibility: a Socialist Perspective,” sponsored…

June 6, 2021

Smash the anti-protest laws!

In a racist ruling-class backlash to the demonstrations of millions last summer who forced a righteous verdict against killer cop…

April 26, 2021

Piney Point reservoir — a disaster waiting to happen

For decades, capitalist industries have produced wastewater by-products without serious plans for how to dispose of them. Their contents are…

April 23, 2021