film review

Film Review: ‘Accidental Activists’ fight for same-sex marriage, adoption rightsFilm Review: ‘Accidental Activists’ fight for same-sex marriage, adoption rights

Film Review: ‘Accidental Activists’ fight for same-sex marriage, adoption rights

During their long struggle for justice — which culminated in the 2015 Supreme Court decision giving same-sex couples the right…

September 11, 2016
Film review: ‘Concussion’ tells the truth about NFL medical neglectFilm review: ‘Concussion’ tells the truth about NFL medical neglect

Film review: ‘Concussion’ tells the truth about NFL medical neglect

Through a vast display of medical examinations and scientific data, the film “Concussion” directly links repeated violent brain trauma of…

January 19, 2016
Review: ‘The Big Short’ shows capitalism has nowhere to goReview: ‘The Big Short’ shows capitalism has nowhere to go

Review: ‘The Big Short’ shows capitalism has nowhere to go

“The Big Short” is a true crime story, a heist movie about the housing bubble built on subprime loans that…

January 18, 2016
Film review: “12 Years a Slave” illustrates horrors of U.S. slaveryFilm review: “12 Years a Slave” illustrates horrors of U.S. slavery

Film review: “12 Years a Slave” illustrates horrors of U.S. slavery

Africans were enslaved by Britain and the United States in continental North America for nearly 250 years (1619-1865). The profits…

December 3, 2013