Does the European Union still exist?Does the European Union still exist?

Does the European Union still exist?

This article was published on June 19, 2024, on, a web magazine edited by Raposo. Translation: John Catalinotto. The…

June 25, 2024
Outlook of an Italian Communist: Why a ‘Second Cold War’ scenario projects a false frameworkOutlook of an Italian Communist: Why a ‘Second Cold War’ scenario projects a false framework

Outlook of an Italian Communist: Why a ‘Second Cold War’ scenario projects a false framework

Fronte Popolare, Italy Arena’s article was published March 14 as part of his organization’s discussion on the current world situation,…

May 27, 2022
From Portuguese Communist Party: Brief notes on the grave world crisisFrom Portuguese Communist Party: Brief notes on the grave world crisis

From Portuguese Communist Party: Brief notes on the grave world crisis

By Jorge Cadima First published in O Militante, magazine of the Portuguese Communist Party. The author is a regular contributor…

May 27, 2022
Which side are you on? U.S.-EU vs. Russia-ChinaWhich side are you on? U.S.-EU vs. Russia-China

Which side are you on? U.S.-EU vs. Russia-China

Raposo, editor of, in which this article was published Jan. 26, refutes the conclusions of another article titled, “Putin…

January 30, 2022

Anti-imperialism and the “to be or not to be” of the left, part 2

Alberto Rabilotta is an Argentine-Canadian journalist specializing in economic issues. This is the second installment of a two-part article that…

July 26, 2014
U.S. hides Russian proposal to end crisis in CrimeaU.S. hides Russian proposal to end crisis in Crimea

U.S. hides Russian proposal to end crisis in Crimea

Massive vote to separate Kiev losing control in East March 18 — The voters in Crimea on March 16 overwhelmingly…

March 18, 2014
U.S. imperialism’s new Cold War and UkraineU.S. imperialism’s new Cold War and Ukraine

U.S. imperialism’s new Cold War and Ukraine

The following is a summary of highlights from a talk on the Ukraine crisis by Fred Goldstein to a Workers…

March 2, 2014

U.S., EU out of Ukraine! Stop Washington’s threats!

The present crisis in Ukraine and the Crimean peninsula was provoked by the seizure of political power in Kiev by…

March 1, 2014

From Ukraine to Venezuela: U.S. wages dirty wars

Destroying the Ukraine government through an armed insurrection is part of a broader strategy by U.S. imperialism to colonize the…

February 26, 2014

U.S., EU, out of Ukraine!

The following is a Workers World Party statement on the crisis in Ukraine. U.S. and European Union imperialism have initiated…

February 21, 2014