Dontre Hamilton

Killer of Dontre Hamilton stays firedKiller of Dontre Hamilton stays fired

Killer of Dontre Hamilton stays fired

As a result of mass people's resistance led by the Hamilton family, Christopher Manney, the cop who shot and killed…

March 30, 2015
Will Milwaukee killer cop receive impunity?Will Milwaukee killer cop receive impunity?

Will Milwaukee killer cop receive impunity?

March 23 — Police repression against Wisconsin’s Black communities accompanies Gov. Scott Walker’s anti-union and anti-worker “right-to-work” law, which went…

March 24, 2015
Madison, Wis., rally demands justice, union jobsMadison, Wis., rally demands justice, union jobs

Madison, Wis., rally demands justice, union jobs

Madison, Wis. -- Hundreds of youth, students, workers and their allies marched on March 11 to demand justice for Tony…

March 12, 2015
‘Black lives matter’ to Wisconsin activists vs police terror‘Black lives matter’ to Wisconsin activists vs police terror

‘Black lives matter’ to Wisconsin activists vs police terror

Milwaukee and Madison, Wis. — The youth-led fightback against racist police terror and Wall Street austerity continues to escalate in…

January 5, 2015
Protests grow stronger, stop traffic across countryProtests grow stronger, stop traffic across country

Protests grow stronger, stop traffic across country

Demonstrations expressing outrage over the police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner took place over the Dec. 6-7 weekend…

December 8, 2014
Justice now for Dontre HamiltonJustice now for Dontre Hamilton

Justice now for Dontre Hamilton

Members of the Coalition for Justice and its supporters packed a Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission meeting Nov. 6 to…

November 14, 2014
Milwaukee protesters: ‘Charge killer cop!’Milwaukee protesters: ‘Charge killer cop!’

Milwaukee protesters: ‘Charge killer cop!’

Protests continue in Milwaukee to demand justice for Dontre Hamilton, a 31-year-old African-American man shot 14 times and killed by…

October 15, 2014
Milwaukee community protests killer copsMilwaukee community protests killer cops

Milwaukee community protests killer cops

Milwaukee -- A crowd of labor, community and student supporters of the Dontre Hamilton family and other victims of police…

October 2, 2014
Milwaukee community protests police brutalityMilwaukee community protests police brutality

Milwaukee community protests police brutality

Members from a broad array of labor, community and student organizations participated in a “Black and Brown Lives Matter” protest…

October 2, 2014

Killer cop of Dontre Hamilton is exposed

Milwaukee, Wis.— The struggle for justice for Dontre Hamilton intensified Sept.18, when his family released the name of the cop…

September 24, 2014