Dominican Republic

Israel y República Dominicana: Dos vallas vulnerables por arrogantesIsrael y República Dominicana: Dos vallas vulnerables por arrogantes

Israel y República Dominicana: Dos vallas vulnerables por arrogantes

Por Narciso Isa Conde Lo que sigue es un comentario de un dirigente histórico del movimiento revolucionario en la República…

October 23, 2023
Israel and the Dominican Republic: A tale of two fences made vulnerable by arroganceIsrael and the Dominican Republic: A tale of two fences made vulnerable by arrogance

Israel and the Dominican Republic: A tale of two fences made vulnerable by arrogance

By Narciso Isa Conde Narciso Isa Conde is a Marxist political analyst, writer and political leader in the Dominican Republic,…

October 22, 2023
Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in HaitiFanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti

Fanmi Lavalas of Boston protests U.S. role in Haiti

Boston Fanmi Lavalas of Boston responded to the deepening humanitarian and political crises in Haiti with a protest at the…

October 5, 2023
On anniversary of historic victory, the challenges Haiti faces todayOn anniversary of historic victory, the challenges Haiti faces today

On anniversary of historic victory, the challenges Haiti faces today

November 18 is the 219th anniversary of the Battle of Vertières, which sealed the victory of the Haitian Revolution, a…

November 24, 2022
Dominicans, Haitians protest deportationDominicans, Haitians protest deportation

Dominicans, Haitians protest deportation

On Saturday morning, Aug. 22, the organization “We are all Dominicans” held a protest at the Dominican Republic Consulate in…

August 30, 2015
Haitians remember U.S. invasion of 1915Haitians remember U.S. invasion of 1915

Haitians remember U.S. invasion of 1915

The United States began its military occupation of Haiti a century ago, sending an armed force ashore on July 28,…

August 3, 2015
Protests challenge deportation of HaitiansProtests challenge deportation of Haitians

Protests challenge deportation of Haitians

July 1 saw protests in Miami, Philadelphia and New York City against the Dominican Republic’s policy of deporting Dominicans of…

July 8, 2015
‘No human being is illegal’‘No human being is illegal’

‘No human being is illegal’

The Haiti Action Committee held a rally in San Francisco on June 24 at the United Nations Plaza to protest…

July 4, 2015
Haitianos, expulsados de la República DominicanaHaitianos, expulsados de la República Dominicana

Haitianos, expulsados de la República Dominicana

Por: Un residente extranjero en Santo Domingo. Otra tragedia humana en contra del pueblo haitiano se está fabricando, a medida…

June 29, 2015
Report from Santo Domingo: How government scapegoats Haitian workersReport from Santo Domingo: How government scapegoats Haitian workers

Report from Santo Domingo: How government scapegoats Haitian workers

By a foreign resident in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic Another human tragedy against the Haitian people is in the making…

June 28, 2015