
Argentina ruling: U.S. court backs Wall Street vultures

U.S. government actions to promote Wall Street banks, particularly in Latin America, have a long and sordid history. A highly…

July 7, 2014
Detroit retirees denounce ‘Grand Theft Pension’Detroit retirees denounce ‘Grand Theft Pension’

Detroit retirees denounce ‘Grand Theft Pension’

June 18 — Retired city of Detroit workers continue to oppose deep cuts to their pensions in the face of…

June 20, 2014
Struggle cancels anti-woman conference in DetroitStruggle cancels anti-woman conference in Detroit

Struggle cancels anti-woman conference in Detroit

On June 11, just five days after it was targeted by hundreds of protesters and thousands of petitions, Doubletree Hotel…

June 17, 2014
Trial set for Benton Harbor, Mich., activist Rev. Edward PinkneyTrial set for Benton Harbor, Mich., activist Rev. Edward Pinkney

Trial set for Benton Harbor, Mich., activist Rev. Edward Pinkney

St. Joseph, Mich. --  Berrien County’s courthouse in St. Joseph, Mich., was filled with people from across the Midwest at…

June 13, 2014
Protest exposes anti-woman groupProtest exposes anti-woman group

Protest exposes anti-woman group

Efforts are underway to stop the anti-woman group “A Voice for Men” from holding its first international conference in Detroit…

June 10, 2014
General Baker 1941-2014General Baker 1941-2014

General Baker 1941-2014

A standing-room-only audience at the United Auto Workers Local 600 hall on Detroit’s border in Dearborn, Mich., attended a memorial…

June 1, 2014

Fast food workers strike

Something new happened on the planet on May 15. Low-wage workers in the fast food industry and their supporters went…

May 20, 2014

Rev. Edward Pinkney criminalized again, under house arrest in Benton Harbor, Mich.

After winning national support in 2007-09 during efforts to fight charges of alleged election irregularities, the Rev. Edward Pinkney has…

May 20, 2014
Attack intensifies against Detroit retireesAttack intensifies against Detroit retirees

Attack intensifies against Detroit retirees

April 26 — The attack on retired city of Detroit workers’ pensions intensifies. Ever since the filing for bankruptcy by…

May 1, 2014

Judge says Detroiters owe banks $85 million

The ruling on April 11 in the Detroit municipal bankruptcy by Federal Bankruptcy Court Judge Steven Rhodes awarded an $85…

April 17, 2014