Detroit fight continues against foreclosures, water shutoffs, banks May 18, 2015 The struggle to stop mass tax foreclosures and [...]
Detroit youth: ‘I stand with Boston bus drivers’ February 26, 2015 Boston is hundreds of miles from Detroit, but the [...]
Protesters tell Detroit mayor: End shutoffs, foreclosures February 19, 2015 The first major protest against Detroit Mayor [...]
Detroit MLK Day rally highlights Selma, Ala. January 24, 2015 MLK Day march in Detroit on Jan. 19.WW photo: [...]
‘Homrich 9’ face charges for stopping water shutoffs December 8, 2014 Dec. 8 — Nine Detroit activists were arrested [...]
Struggle wins temporary water shutoff moratorium August 7, 2014 Detroit’s Freedom Friday fights for water.WW [...]