Cuban Five

Five Heroes strengthen Cuban RevolutionFive Heroes strengthen Cuban Revolution

Five Heroes strengthen Cuban Revolution

Havana — Last Dec. 17, U.S. President Barack Obama announced the release of the three remaining Cuban Five political prisoners…

May 16, 2015
WWP National Conference: ‘Down with capitalism!’WWP National Conference: ‘Down with capitalism!’

WWP National Conference: ‘Down with capitalism!’

Long Island City, Queens, N.Y. — The stage banner in a school auditorium in Queens, N.Y., said it all: “Workers…

November 19, 2014

Solidarity activists honored in Cuba

The Friendship Medal of the ­Republic of Cuba has been awarded to two hard- working solidarity activists from the United…

October 11, 2014
Growing labor support for the Cuban FiveGrowing labor support for the Cuban Five

Growing labor support for the Cuban Five

The Service Employees union headquarters ground-floor meeting room in Washington, D.C., was standing-room-only on Sept. 13 for the premiere of…

September 27, 2014
The Cuban Five: 16 years of unjust imprisonmentThe Cuban Five: 16 years of unjust imprisonment

The Cuban Five: 16 years of unjust imprisonment

People of conscience gathered Sept. 12 in cities across the country and the world to commemorate the 16th year since…

September 17, 2014
Brigade defies U.S. travel ban on CubaBrigade defies U.S. travel ban on Cuba

Brigade defies U.S. travel ban on Cuba

Buffalo, N.Y. -- Twenty-two courageous U.S. citizens, members of the 45th Venceremos Brigade, crossed the Peace Bridge from Erie, Ontario,…

August 7, 2014
Broad support seen for Cuban FiveBroad support seen for Cuban Five

Broad support seen for Cuban Five

Washington, D.C.,June 9 -- For the third consecutive year, a week of activities about Cuba is being held in the…

June 10, 2014
Art exhibit builds 5 Days for the Cuban 5Art exhibit builds 5 Days for the Cuban 5

Art exhibit builds 5 Days for the Cuban 5

Washington, D.C. -- Westminster Church hosted an exhibit and sale of reproductions of watercolors by Antonio Guerrero, titled “I will…

May 23, 2014

Britain denies visa to Cuban 5 hero

The British labor movement reacted swiftly when the government there denied an entry visa to Cuban 5 hero René González.…

March 15, 2014
Cuban anti-terrorism fighter returns home to hero’s welcomeCuban anti-terrorism fighter returns home to hero’s welcome

Cuban anti-terrorism fighter returns home to hero’s welcome

Fernando González Llort, one of the Cuban Five anti-terrorist heroes, returned home to Cuba on Feb. 28, after serving his entire…

March 4, 2014