
Cuban president tweets thanks for ‘end the blockade’ caravans

The president of Cuba, Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, re-tweeted pictures from the Oct. 31 car caravans from U.S. cities in…

November 8, 2021

CUBA SÍ: Solidarity against blockades, COVID and empire

The following excerpted remarks were given during a Philadelphia Workers World webinar promoting the upcoming November Caravan to Cuba sponsored…

September 30, 2021

‘Now, we must mount a hurricane ourselves, of effort and determination’

The following article first appeared in Granma on Sept. 1, 2021. By Yaima Puig Meneses  The response to damages caused…

September 7, 2021

‘Thank You, Mexico’ for sending aid to Cuba

An international statement of solidarity with revolutionary Cuba was delivered Aug. 26 at the Mexican Consulate in Denver, as Deputy…

September 3, 2021

A defense of Cuba from the Argentine left

By Mario Hernández / Claudio Katz This Aug. 25 interview with Claudio Katz, Argentine member of Left Economists and political…

September 1, 2021

New Jersey says no to U.S. blockade of Cuba

A “New Jersey in Solidarity with Cuba and Against U.S. Imperialism” demonstration was held Aug. 11 at One Gateway Center…

August 25, 2021

Cuba is not alone: love and solidarity prevail

The following lightly edited article first appeared in Resumen English July 29, 2021, one day before U.S. President Joe Biden…

August 4, 2021

¡Defender a Cuba, defender el socialismo!

Las fuerzas anticomunistas -dirigidas por el gobierno de Estados Unidos- están montando un ataque sin cuartel contra la Cuba revolucionaria.…

August 2, 2021

Hands Off Haiti! Hands Off Cuba! U.S. Out of the Caribbean!

Occupied Mvskoke Creek Land (Pensacola, Fla.) The Central Gulf Coast branch of Workers World Party hosted a gathering and discussion…

July 30, 2021

Black Lives Matter defends Cuba’s right to sovereignty

This statement, first posted on the BLM twitter account July 14, has generated considerable coverage. Many in the corporate media…

July 29, 2021