
October 1962: Washington provoked missile crisis

Earth-shaking crises can bring about life-changing decisions. The 1962 October Missile Crisis did for me. In the fall of 1962,…

October 28, 2012

Colombian peace talks begin

The eyes of the world were glued to their TV screens. TeleSUR and the BBC in Spanish transmitted live the…

October 26, 2012

The Cuban 5: What General Clapper said

A modest three-minute video posted at the deserves more attention than the 3,096 or so views it had as…

October 4, 2012

Toronto tribunal & assembly demands: “Free the Cuban 5!”

Toronto, Canada — Toronto City Hall was the site of the Breaking the Silence Peoples’ Tribunal and Assembly Sept. 21-23.…

September 30, 2012

Las FARC-EP anuncian inicio de negociaciones de paz

Las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP), ofreció una conferencia de prensa en La Habana, Cuba, el 6…

September 19, 2012

Colombia revolutionaries announce peace talks

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples’ Army (FARC-EP), held a press conference in La Havana, Cuba, on Sept. 6 to…

September 17, 2012

Same storm, different responses

The storm called Isaac hit Haiti, Cuba and the United States. When it lashed Haiti and Cuba, meteorologists called it…

September 10, 2012

Tijuana meeting on fight for education, public jobs

Tijuana, Mexico — The intense five days of the 9th U.S./Cuba/Mexico/Latin America Labor Conference and Seminar in Tijuana, Mexico, from…

September 2, 2012

Free Cuban 5!

The case of the Cuban 5 and the struggle to free them from their unjust imprisonment in the U.S. received…

August 24, 2012

La lucha se intensifica mientras resistencia hondureña declara la lucha por el socialismo

Algo maravilloso e histórico está ocurriendo en el pequeño país de Honduras en Centroamérica. A pesar del terror impuesto por…

August 22, 2012