
Youth publish ‘Red Flag,’ hold FIST forum

FIST — Fight Imperialism, Stand Together — is proud to have published the first issue of Red Flag, a new…

November 13, 2014

Ebola and the real health crisis

Taken from an Oct. 15 audio column at With the death of Mr. Thomas Eric Duncan shortly after his…

November 11, 2014

Cubans lead global response to Ebola epidemic

Nov. 3 — Cuban health care workers have played a leading role on the African continent for decades. The revolutionary government views…

November 5, 2014

Heroes of the Ebola crisis

It is clear that Ebola is the most dangerous emerging infectious disease since the HIV/AIDS crisis began in the 1980s.…

October 29, 2014

Fidel Castro on Ebola crisis: ‘Duty calls’

The following statement, written by the former president of Cuba on Oct. 17, can be found at the Granma website…

October 23, 2014

Ebola, Cuba and capitalism

It is impossible to ignore that the capitalist for-profit system is the greatest obstacle in the effort to control the…

October 22, 2014

U.S. actions say ‘Free the Cuban 5’

Sept. 12 is the 16th anniversary of the day when police snatched five Cuban men from their beds. Three of…

September 11, 2014

Cuba awards Nyad ‘Order of Merit in Sports’

From Aug. 30 — Today, Cuba awarded the “Order of Merit in Sports” to U.S. swimmer Diana Nyad, who…

September 6, 2014

U.S. forces Irish bank to accept Cuba blockade

“The banks are a tool of Wall Street rule!” Is this political accusation just an abstract, educational slogan? Not in…

September 1, 2014

Judge Claudia House Morcom, ¡Presente!

Judge Claudia House Morcom died in her Detroit home on Aug. 17, at age 82. ­Dignified, glamorously beautiful and generous…

August 28, 2014