
Viewing Cuba through a Detroit lens

When the “In the Footsteps of Che International Brigade” traveled in Cuba Oct. 1-15, several Workers World Party delegates from…

November 19, 2017

Diary of the first week ‘In the Footsteps of Che’

In defiance of the Trump administration’s “travel advisory,” a group of 19 Workers World Party comrades from around the U.S.…

November 16, 2017

‘My experience with health care in Cuba’

On my second day visiting Cuba from the U.S. in October as a member of the “In the Footsteps of…

November 16, 2017

U.N. votes against Cuba blockade

New York — For the 26th consecutive year, Cuba’s resolution, “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed…

November 8, 2017

Cuba responds to ‘sonic attack’ allegations

The following edited statement was issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba on Oct. 3. The full text…

November 7, 2017

U.S. delegation condemns expulsion of Cuban diplomats

A 62-member U.S. delegation in Cuba as part of the “In the Footsteps of Che” International Brigade issued the following…

October 14, 2017

On 50th anniversary of his death: Che lives!

Ernesto “Che” Guevara — the great internationalist and revolutionary leader — died 50 years ago on Oct. 9, 1967, at…

October 10, 2017

Another outrageous lie from Washington: ‘sonic attack’

Secretary of State Rex Tillerson ordered the removal of two-thirds of the Cuban Embassy staff in Washington, D.C., on Oct.…

October 10, 2017

Cuba rebuilds despite U.S. blockade

Revolutionary Cuba’s record of mobilizing to defend its population from natural disasters was put to the test when, starting on…

September 27, 2017

Cuba solidarity organizers to meet in Seattle

The National Network on Cuba, a U.S.-Cuba umbrella organization that promotes solidarity with revolutionary Cuba, has scheduled its 2017 national…

September 27, 2017