
Why Cuba is withdrawing its medical brigade from Brazil

The Cuban Ministry of Public Health has issued a statement explaining the circumstances under which it is withdrawing the Cuban…

November 19, 2018

Cuba no continuará participando en el Programa Más Médicos en Brasil

El Ministerio de Salud Pública de Cuba emitió un comunicado en el que explica las circunstancias bajo las cuales retira…

November 19, 2018

End the U.S. blockade of Cuba!

Opinion polls said it. Now the Florida midterm elections show it. Two of three South Florida representatives to the U.S.…

November 16, 2018

At the U.N. General Assembly, world says ‘No!’ to the blockade of Cuba

The world said “No!” on Nov. 1 to the U.S. economic, financial and commercial blockade of Cuba. In the United…

November 6, 2018

In Haiti, an earthquake and a quick Cuban response

A powerful earthquake shook northern Haiti on Oct. 6 at 8:11 p.m. Though it measured 5.9 on the Richter scale…

October 18, 2018

CUBA, VENEZUELA: Revolutionary leaders embraced at int’l rally

Sept. 26 — Miguel Díaz-Canel, the new president of Cuba, in town for the United Nations General Assembly, began his…

October 3, 2018

Days of Action demand end to blockade of Cuba

Washington, D.C. — The 2018 Days of Action to End the U.S. Blockade of Cuba concluded here on Sept. 28.…

October 3, 2018

Long live Cuba! Long live Bolivarian Venezuela!

The best thing about the United Nations General Assembly’s annual fall meeting is that it often brings revolutionary leaders to…

September 25, 2018

Show solidarity with Cuba!

Washington, D.C. — Education is under attack in both the United States and its colony of Puerto Rico. In socialist…

September 12, 2018

Reform and revolution

This article about the Cuban Revolution by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy first appeared in the WW issue of…

September 12, 2018