
On the 71st anniversary of Moncada
Hail Cuba’s Revolution and internationalism with Workers World

Workers World/Mundo Obrero joins with the Cuban people in celebrating the 71st anniversary of an event which changed the course…

July 26, 2024

Cuban ambassador visits Portland

By Maddi Johnson and Jey Clayton Cuban Ambassador Lianys Torres Rivera visited Portland, Oregon, on May 28 to talk about…

June 5, 2024

Cuba responds to protests over shortages

On March 17, small groups of Cubans protested shortages of electricity, water and food in areas of Cuba. Addressing the…

March 29, 2024

African Union declares solidarity with Palestine, Cuba

The author, a former member of the Secretariat of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde…

February 29, 2024

U.N. vote against U.S. blockade of Cuba: 187-2

New York City In an overwhelming show of international solidarity, the world demanded an immediate end to the criminal U.S.…

November 10, 2023

Portland Cuba solidarity rally

Portland [Oregon] End the Blockade of Cuba Coalition held a rally on Oct. 28. Maddi from Workers World Party spoke…

November 2, 2023

Haz que las bombas incendiarias contra Cuba hagan boomerang

Ya está fuera de los titulares. Pero su mensaje sigue vigente. Hablamos de los artefactos incendiarios que los terroristas lanzaron…

October 9, 2023

Make the firebombs boomerang: Take Cuba off ‘terrorist’ list!

It’s already out of the headlines. But its message still holds. We’re discussing the incendiary devices terrorists threw at the…

October 4, 2023

Cash, cars and gold bars — and the crooks who slander Cuba

Senator Bob Menendez, in the news recently, is nothing but a front man for the Cuban right-wing Gusanos, those worms…

September 27, 2023

Statement of the House of Latin America in Iran on the terrorist act against Cuban Embassy

Issued Sept. 25 by a group in Iran, the House of Latin America, in solidarity with Cuba. Hours after more…

September 26, 2023