Capitalist crisis

<span class="streamer2">Clarion call to the movement</span><br />Prepare for the biggest global capitalist crisis in history<span class="streamer2">Clarion call to the movement</span><br />Prepare for the biggest global capitalist crisis in history

<span class="streamer2">Clarion call to the movement</span><br />Prepare for the biggest global capitalist crisis in history

The writer is Workers World Party’s First Secretary. According to the International Monetary Fund, most of the world, including the…

October 17, 2022
Estados Unidos: reflexiones dramáticas en voz alta / EE.UU.: reflexiones dramáticas Estados Unidos: reflexiones dramáticas en voz alta / EE.UU.: reflexiones dramáticas 

Estados Unidos: reflexiones dramáticas en voz alta / EE.UU.: reflexiones dramáticas 

Por Sergio Rodríguez Gelfenstein El autor es consultor y analista internacional venezolano, y fue Director de Relaciones Internacionales de la…

October 1, 2021
Months of protest bring light to a neighborhoodMonths of protest bring light to a neighborhood

Months of protest bring light to a neighborhood

Detroit -- The ugly face of banker-imposed austerity takes many forms. The world has watched in horror as the residents…

September 3, 2015
Women’s Equality Day speak-out on today’s strugglesWomen’s Equality Day speak-out on today’s struggles

Women’s Equality Day speak-out on today’s struggles

August 26 was the 95th anniversary of U.S. women’s hard-won right to vote, fought for by a fierce national suffragist…

September 3, 2015

Class struggle sharpens in Mexico, Puerto Rico

Two months after the disappearance of the 43 normalistas (education students) in Ayotzinapa, Guerrero, Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto finally visited…

December 16, 2014
Capitalist crisis, Ferguson and state repressionCapitalist crisis, Ferguson and state repression

Capitalist crisis, Ferguson and state repression

Nov. 22 — Whatever happens with the Darren Wilson case, one thing is certain: The rebellion and resolve of the…

November 24, 2014

Fiscal axe aimed at Social Security

Struggle can still stop austerity cuts As we write, the new year has begun. Congress has not yet voted on…

January 2, 2013

What fiscal cliff?

Taken from a Dec. 11 audio column at From every TV and radio news broadcast, the words “fiscal cliff”…

January 2, 2013

Growing crisis for homeless children

It is generally assumed, except by the most hardened reactionaries, that governments, even under capitalism, have a responsibility to ensure…

October 6, 2012

Tres crisis del sistema capitalista: 1873, 1929 y 2007

Este artículo es la segunda parte de la introducción al libro, “El capitalismo en un callejón sin salida, Destrucción de…

September 5, 2012