Car caravan: Free Our Youth! 

As states across the U.S. took steps to stop the spread of COVID-19 — closing schools and workplaces, canceling events…

May 21, 2020

Why socialist countries take lead in fighting COVID-19

This is a slightly edited version of a talk given during the“What Road To Socialism?” webinar held by Workers World…

May 21, 2020

Bolivian prisoners protest/ ‘We want to live!’

Incarcerated workers at the largest prison in Bolivia staged a mass uprising on May 11, demanding freedom and protesting dangerous…

May 21, 2020

Philadelphia: #FreeBlackMamas demand prisoner release

Philadelphia Protesters, led by currently and formerly incarcerated women, trans and non gender-binary people, held a rally on May 15…

May 18, 2020

Ecuador regime wages ‘war against workers’

Ibarra, Ecuador Part 1, “Ecuador’s pandemic: Rightist regime fails to confront crisis,” is available here. In a “war against workers,”…

May 18, 2020

Ecuador’s pandemic:
Rightist regime fails to confront crisis 

Ibarra, Ecuador May 9 — During March and April, U.S. and European media spewed out shocking images from Guayaquil, the…

May 15, 2020

Andrea Circle Bear and six centuries of genocide

Andrea Circle Bear, of the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation near Eagle Butte, S.D., was the 29th federal inmate to die…

May 14, 2020

Changing the narrative in Lansing, Mich.

On May 7, a breath of fresh air entered Lansing, Mich., the first since ultrarightist gangs — with the blessing…

May 11, 2020

COVID-19 strike wave enters third month

Workers at 50 locations across Florida struck McDonald’s, Starbucks and other fast-food restaurants on May 6. What united them was…

May 11, 2020

Los fascistas hacen trabajo sucio para los jefes

La aparición de alimañas neofascistas debajo de sus rocas para exigir negocios de “reapertura”, una demanda querida por los gobernantes…

May 11, 2020