
Guerrilla colombiana sigue luchando

Dos importantes acontecimientos que involucran al movimiento guerrillero colombiano han ocurrido esta semana: el cese al fuego durante el período…

May 27, 2014

Message of congratulations from Mundo Obrero/Workers World Party in the USA to the FARC-EP on its 50th anniversary

The following message was sent from Workers World Party/Mundo Obrero to the FARC-EP of Colombia on May 23. Comrades of…

May 23, 2014

Remembering two giants of world culture, Cheo Feliciano and Gabriel García Márquez

A great sadness was felt by the people of Puerto Rico, Mexico and Colombia, and millions of people around the…

April 21, 2014

En recuerdo de dos gigantes de la cultura universal

El  pasado jueves 17 de abril, una enorme tristeza llenó a los pueblos de Puerto Rico, de Colombia y México,…

April 21, 2014

Destitución del alcalde de Bogotá amenaza conversaciones de paz

El derechista Procurador General de Colombia, usando métodos ilegales depuso al alcalde de Bogotá quien fuera popularmente elegido, amenazando así…

April 1, 2014

Documents unsealed for FBI raids on solidarity activists

The following is a statement issued by The Committee to Stop FBI Repression on the release of FBI documents which…

February 27, 2014

Colombian GM workers sew their lips shut

On the 77th anniversary of the Flint, Mich., sit-down strike in the U.S., fired GM workers in Colombia accelerate their…

February 18, 2014

Colombia 2014: año de lucha en el horizonte

17 de enero 2014      Las agudas contradicciones entre las clases opositoras y la creciente exposición de las verdaderas…

January 21, 2014

Autoworkers, community activists demand ‘people’s recovery’

For the fifth year in a row, the rank-and-file autoworker advocacy group Autoworker Caravan protested outside the North American International…

January 17, 2014

Colombia 2014: A year of sharpening struggle ahead

Sharpening contradictions between the opposing classes and the growing exposure of the real intentions of Colombia’s ruling forces are reaching…

January 17, 2014