
FARC announces unilateral cease

This initiative from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP) was announced from Havana, Cuba, where peace talks have been…

August 2, 2015

Mujeres combatientes quieren lograr la paz

La Habana Las conversaciones de paz entre las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia-Ejército del Pueblo (FARC-EP) y el gobierno colombiano,…

May 12, 2015

Peace process vital to Colombian people

The peace process unfolding in Colombia through talks being held in Havana, Cuba, between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia…

April 30, 2015

Delegación investigadora estadounidense al regresar de Cuba concluye que ‘proceso de paz de Colombia debe continuarse’

20 de abril de 2015 - Treinta y tres activistas viajaron a la Habana, Cuba, del 11 al 18 de…

April 28, 2015

FARC statement on the peace talks

The following is a statement by Marco León Calarcá, a spokesperson for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), made…

April 15, 2015

FARC-EP de Colombia: Entre partes iguales

Abril 3 de 2015 Sentimientos y posiciones políticas aparte, es hora de construir la Paz. Esa es ni más ni…

April 14, 2015

Venezuela: Behind murder of revolutionary deputy

On the morning of Oct. 2, the Bolivarian people of Venezuela awoke to the terrible news of a murder during…

October 9, 2014

Venezuelans defend Bolivarian Revolution

Venezuela is in the midst of the difficult task of constructing the path to socialism. Like any living process, it…

October 1, 2014

Colombian GM workers continue fight

A group of injured workers set up a tent encampment outside the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá, Colombia, on Aug. 1,…

August 11, 2014

NATO’s global offensive

This article by Manlio Dinucci is republished from his “Art of War” column in the Italian newspaper Il Manifesto of…

July 31, 2014