
Lawsuit reveals Chiquita’s role in financing Colombian death squads

A jury in South Florida has found Chiquita Brands International complicit in the murders of eight Colombians through its proxy…

June 21, 2024

Comentario sobre Lula y Petro y sus críticas a la Venezuela Bolivariano

El autor es consultor y analista internacional venezolano. No escribo con alegría este artículo, más bien lo hago con dolor,…

April 5, 2024

Unions worldwide obstruct arms supplies to Israel

The author is a Belgian Marxist who writes for and When Israel unleashed its ruthless war of revenge…

November 17, 2023

Rapid reestablishment of relations between Colombia and Venezuela

The author is a Venezuelan international relations expert, who was previously Director of the International Relations of the Presidency of…

September 2, 2022

Colombia’s election raises hopes for peace

By M. Rafael Since the news of Gustavo Petro’s victory in the Colombian elections on June 19, a massive sense of…

June 29, 2022

Colombian election ‘an extraordinary event’

Translated by M. Rafael and Daniela Ochoa-Bravo The statement below was issued June 22 by the FARC-EP (Revolutionary Armed Forces…

June 29, 2022

Colombians elect Gustavo Petro, beating right wing

Voters in Colombia made history June 19, when they elected the first progressive president in the country’s history. Gustavo Petro,…

June 29, 2022

Colombia elections: are peace and justice on the horizon?

Presidential elections held May 29 in Colombia showed Senator Gustavo Petro, candidate of the Historical Pact progressive alliance and former…

June 6, 2022

Colombia’s National Strike in perspective

By Juan Diego García The author is a Colombian political analyst living in Spain. The article was first published in…

June 25, 2021

Masses battle rightist regimes in Colombia, Brazil, Chile

Ongoing struggles in three South American countries show the general uprising that began in 2019 is still challenging right-wing ruling…

June 2, 2021