
NATO’s global history of reaction

The U.S.-commanded military alliance called the North Atlantic Treaty Organization – NATO, was founded April 4, 1949. Its initials describe…

April 4, 2022

With nearly 1 million deaths, U.S. disparages China’s COVID-19 policy 

Look at the March 20 figures from Worldometer for the United States and China, including Hong Kong. The U.S. has…

March 25, 2022

U.S. threatens nuclear war or sanctions

A seismic shift is sending shock waves through the global economy.  The well-established capitalist disorder, dominated by U.S. imperialism and…

March 16, 2022

Russia and China demand investigation into Pentagon-funded ‘biolabs’ In Ukraine

On March 9, Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova demanded transparency from the United States on its military biological…

March 14, 2022

War-fueled racism and xenophobia rising 80 years after ‘Internment’

People who knew about this sordid anniversary in the history of the United States empire marked it Feb. 19. On…

March 7, 2022

Olympic Games & U.S. propaganda
Have you been lied to about Xinjiang, human rights − and China?

Feb. 6 update — The U.S. war propaganda machine is working overtime during the Olympics to defame China with false…

February 7, 2022

Which side are you on? U.S.-EU vs. Russia-China

Raposo, editor of, in which this article was published Jan. 26, refutes the conclusions of another article titled, “Putin…

January 30, 2022

Wildfire surge of omicron confirms: Health care for profit more deadly than coronavirus

The ominous toll of 800,000 deaths from COVID-19, reached in the U.S. Dec. 14, confirms that health care for profit…

December 24, 2021

The case of Peng Shuai and U.S. hypocrisy

U.S. and Western imperialism are super-obsessed with finding any angle to demonize and smear the People’s Republic of China, politically,…

December 7, 2021

First clinic for transgender youth established in China

The Children’s Hospital of Fudan University, located in Shanghai, has announced the establishment of a health clinic to safely manage…

November 15, 2021