
WWP leaders to speak on China trip

A delegation sponsored by the China/U.S. Solidarity Network, including Workers World Party members Sara Flounders and Arjae Red, traveled to…

August 8, 2023

As Yellen dictates terms to China
What we defend, what Wall Street wants to destroy

What is the material basis of the growing hostility on every level of the U.S. ruling class toward China? No…

July 21, 2023

‘The East Is Still Red’ a necessary read

With his recently published book, “The East Is Still Red,” Carlos Martinez has clarified the role of the Chinese revolution…

July 12, 2023

U.S. military trains in Hawai’i to target China

Near the town of Wahiawā on the occupied Hawaiian island of O'ahu, the U.S. army is gearing up for war…

July 5, 2023

Trump would execute drug users – China rehabilitates them

In true demagogue fashion, in May 2023 Donald Trump demanded a ramping-up of the so-called “War on Drugs.” In Manchester,…

June 29, 2023

Inconvenient truths confront Biden

For years the U.S. media has repeated unfounded claims that China was suppressing the majority Muslim population in their Xinjiang…

June 28, 2023

Eyewitness Xinjiang: the reality vs. U.S. propaganda

The author is a co-director of the International Action Center and a contributing editor to Workers World newspaper. A slightly…

June 19, 2023

Corporate media slanders China, Cuba
A lie so blatant even the Pentagon must deny it

The U.S. corporate media creates such unbelievable fabrications that sometimes the Pentagon and the U.S. war planners must reject them.…

June 16, 2023

A visit to Xinjiang, China
Accomplishments belie U.S. propaganda

Xinjiang, People’s Republic of China U.S. propaganda is powerful. Responding to an increase in U.S. attacks on China, a delegation…

June 9, 2023

U.S. anti-imperialist delegation meets with Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League

Beijing, China Workers World Party and International Action Center delegates traveled to the People’s Republic of China in May as…

June 6, 2023