
Kerry double-talks as Pentagon stokes war fever

As U.S. F-16 and A-10 fighter jets, helicopters and C-130 transport planes powered into the sky from Osan Air Base…

April 15, 2013

¡Otra guerra No! Pentágono fuera de Corea

Por segundo mes consecutivo, decenas de miles de tropas de Estados Unidos y Corea del sur están realizando ataques simulados…

April 10, 2013

New Chinese leader denounces Gorbachev

But Xi continues dangerous policy of market 'economic reform' The new head of the Chinese Communist Party and president of…

March 11, 2013

DPRK move to strengthen defense wins support

It seems that not everyone in the world was panicked or outraged by the fact that the Democratic People’s Republic…

March 7, 2013

Zimbabwe sets national elections despite sanctions

Citizens of the Southern African state of Zimbabwe are scheduled to vote on March 16 on whether to accept or…

February 26, 2013

Lucha global de liderazgo y la desaceleración económica en China

La economía china se está desacelerando, parte de la desaceleración económica global que ahora azota al mundo capitalista. China también…

February 26, 2013

Pentagon spreads anti-China hacking lies

Feb. 25 — Dramatic front-page headlines in the New York Times accusing the People’s Liberation Army of China of being…

February 25, 2013

Journalists rebel in Guangzhou as right wing in China raises its voice

Those in China who advocate bourgeois democracy, deepening capitalist reforms and opening up further to imperialism staged a journalists’ rebellion…

January 14, 2013

Coal miners, Hurricane Sandy and China’s GreenGen

This year, possibly for the first time ever, the United Mine Workers did not endorse a presidential candidate. In 2008,…

December 21, 2012

Corporate criminals suppressed years of urgent warnings of climate change

The disaster known as Hurricane Sandy should have come as no surprise. Every possible warning sign had preceded it. For…

November 4, 2012