
Climate crisis cries out for social change

The climate crisis has surged to the forefront of many discussions recently, from mainstream news networks to everyday conversations between…

September 10, 2019

Dialectics of change in Hong Kong: The contradiction of two antagonistic systems

What is the biggest problem that months of increasingly violent protests in Hong Kong have exposed? Many people, especially younger…

September 10, 2019

Hong Kong: Google censors China

Google stripped away the illusion that the continuing protests in Hong Kong are about democracy when on Aug. 20 the internet…

September 4, 2019

Trump, China and the stock markets

The longer that U.S. stock markets continue to rise, the more nervous become the investors and all the financial analysts. …

August 29, 2019

Follow the money behind Hong Kong protests

Aug. 19—​Since this article was written on Aug. 15, hundreds of thousands of Chinese people have demonstrated in support of…

August 16, 2019

The new Cold War against China

During the Cold War and the struggle that put the USSR and China on one side and imperialism, headed by…

August 14, 2019

U.S role in Hong Kong protests

The corporate media have used recent protests in Hong Kong to attack and vilify the People’s Republic of China and…

June 30, 2019

A historical perspective on China

This article by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy appeared in WW on June 3, 1993, when the bourgeois media…

June 7, 2019

China resists gunboat diplomacy and unequal treaties — then and now

Most people in the U.S. are unaware of the fact that more than a century ago armies of occupation from…

June 2, 2019

Why the imperialists hate Huawei

The Chinese company Huawei has been targeted by the Donald Trump administration. At Washington’s request, Canada arrested Meng Wanzhou, the…

May 30, 2019