
China and Cuba lead in curbing pandemic 

China and Cuba have made significant scientific advances in curbing the COVID-19 pandemic. China is considered the world’s front-runner in…

March 26, 2020

China calls for lifting of U.S. sanctions against Iran

Amid the fight against the coronavirus COVID-19, China called on March 16 for the immediate lifting of U.S. sanctions on…

March 17, 2020

How Cuba’s antiviral medicine is helping China

By Rosa Miriam Elizalde Rosa Miriam Elizalde is a Cuban journalist and editor of the site Cubadebate.  Reprinted from La…

March 4, 2020

U.S. military budget seen from Italy: More arms than ever

Published Feb. 18 in Il Manifesto in Dinucci’s “Art of War” column, which examines Trump’s proposed military budget. Translation by…

February 19, 2020

How socialist base helps China combat coronavirus

China is showing the world what is needed -- and possible -- to combat the outbreak of a new, highly…

February 11, 2020

Elogio de la OMS/China lucha unida, pueblo y gobierno, contra coronavirus

Por Sergio Ortiz,  30 de enero − Los primeros casos de esta enfermedad fueron en la ciudad de Wuhan,…

February 11, 2020

The coronavirus and an epidemic of racist U.S. propaganda

The novel coronavirus that first appeared in Wuhan, China, had by Feb. 10 spread to 28 countries and territories, leading…

February 11, 2020

After Brexit, will Britain become U.S. puppet?

At the stroke of 11 p.m. on Jan. 31, Britain was no longer part of the European Union and free…

February 7, 2020

China mobilizes to combat coronavirus

Since a new strain of pneumonia-causing virus hit China in late December, there has been a massive response by the…

January 28, 2020

U.N. report shows how People’s China cleaned Beijing’s air

The United Nations Environment Programme recently released a report called “UN Environment 2019: A Review of 20 Years’ Air Pollution…

January 22, 2020