
China pushes back U.S. empire of lies

The U.S. ruling class has increasingly turned to misinformation and propaganda to maintain control during the COVID-19 epidemic. This includes…

July 31, 2020

Fight COVID, not China!

Workers World Party and other local activists delivered a letter of solidarity to Consul General Cai Wei at the Chinese…

July 28, 2020

‘U.S. Chernobyl’: Why the U.S. failed and China won against COVID-19

By Lee Siu Hin  李小轩 This slightly edited talk was given at the July 16 Workers World Party webinar, “Why…

July 24, 2020

‘Pivot to Peace with China and the World’ says San Francisco labor

San Francisco The following is based on a webinar presentation given on the July 18 Workers World Party webinar: “Why…

July 22, 2020

Quick facts on China and COVID

This slightly edited talk was given at the July 16 Workers World Party webinar: “Why We Defend China.” The webinar…

July 22, 2020

South African Communist Party supports Extraordinary China-Africa Summit on Solidarity against Covid-19

The South African Communist Party (SACP) issued this statement on June 19. The South African Communist Party (SACP) welcomes the…

June 26, 2020

U.S. tries to deflect COVID fiasco onto China

A growing world confrontation is roaring onto the political and economic scene. Not a day goes by without the corporate…

May 26, 2020

China reacts with zero tolerance for racist incidents

Reports surfaced in April of cases of discrimination against African workers in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong as pictures…

May 12, 2020

What the statistics reveal about Trump, China and the virus

May 4 — The Trump administration is trying to deflect anger at its dangerously neglectful attitude toward the COVID-19 pandemic…

May 4, 2020

China’s socialist planning and COVID-19

The global COVID-19 viral pandemic has exposed in the sharpest light the contradiction between a globalized world economy and a…

April 3, 2020