Black August

‘We hear your demands’‘We hear your demands’

‘We hear your demands’

A noise demo was called on Aug. 21 by the Industrial Workers of the World at Twin Towers Jail, located…

August 28, 2018
Racism’s hollow monumentRacism’s hollow monument

Racism’s hollow monument

A year ago on Aug. 14, a group of mainly young people in Durham, N.C., took a simple action to…

August 21, 2018
San Diego affirms: ‘Black August Is Black Love’San Diego affirms: ‘Black August Is Black Love’

San Diego affirms: ‘Black August Is Black Love’

The “Black August is Black Love” art show, lecture and open mic was held on the evening of Aug. 10…

August 16, 2018
Commemorating Black August in San DiegoCommemorating Black August in San Diego

Commemorating Black August in San Diego

Over 60 people filled the Malcolm X Library and Performing Arts Center for a successful event commemorating Black August in…

September 7, 2017
Black August: Providence, R.I., honors Black prisoner resistanceBlack August: Providence, R.I., honors Black prisoner resistance

Black August: Providence, R.I., honors Black prisoner resistance

Providence, R.I. — Behind the Walls, a prisoner rights program of Direct Action for Rights and Equality, along with Workers…

September 7, 2017
From a Pennsylvania prison: The torture chairFrom a Pennsylvania prison: The torture chair

From a Pennsylvania prison: The torture chair

Dec. 26 -- Power to the people! Since this has been the holiday season of consumer shopping frenzies and enlarged…

January 2, 2017
THE 1971 ATTICA REBELLION: George Jackson & the revolutionary prison movement of 2016THE 1971 ATTICA REBELLION: George Jackson & the revolutionary prison movement of 2016

THE 1971 ATTICA REBELLION: George Jackson & the revolutionary prison movement of 2016

From a talk at a Workers World Party campaign meeting held on Sept. 10 in Detroit. Other speakers included Carlos…

September 14, 2016
The Heroes of San RafaelThe Heroes of San Rafael

The Heroes of San Rafael

In the momentous political event that marked “Black August,” freedom fighter Jonathan Jackson, at the age of 17, burst into…

August 31, 2016
Boston salutes Black AugustBoston salutes Black August

Boston salutes Black August

The Boston Branch of Workers World Party held “A Dialogue with Monica Moorehead, Workers World Party 2016 Presidential Candidate,” on…

August 24, 2016
August 1968 – Fort Hood, Texas, Black GIs resist ‘riot-control’ dutyAugust 1968 – Fort Hood, Texas, Black GIs resist ‘riot-control’ duty

August 1968 – Fort Hood, Texas, Black GIs resist ‘riot-control’ duty

Anger radiated through the barracks when orders reached the Black troops of the 1st Armored Division that they would be…

August 22, 2016