The Dec. 16 announcement by Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida of a new defense strategy, while doubling military spending by…
Shinzo Abe, the right-wing former Japanese prime minister, was assassinated July 8 during an election campaign rally in the city…
Workers World reprints here a speech by Palestinian activist, Rasmea Odeh, originally circulated by the Fight Back News Service. Odeh…
It has taken the illegal and cruel killing on July 1 of a beloved lion named Cecil by a stereotypically…
Editorial Workers World-Mundo Obrero Un peligroso conflicto ha estallado entre la República Popular China y la República Socialista de Vietnam…
Lenin is the recognized leader of the political party that directed the working-class’s seizure of state power in Russia in…
The capitalist press is busy speculating on the motives of the People’s Republic of China in setting up an Air…
All over the world, but especially in the East Asia and Pacific region, people are worried about a deliberate provocation…
The wars the Pentagon has been waging to grab control of North Africa and Southwest Asia haven’t gone well for…
“He is killing his own people.” How many times have we read and heard that? It is the endlessly repeated…