
He battled the warmakers: Terry Klug, 1947-2024He battled the warmakers: Terry Klug, 1947-2024

He battled the warmakers: Terry Klug, 1947-2024

Terry Klug, who many participants in anti-war actions of the 1960s and 1970s know as an iconic active-duty anti-war GI…

December 13, 2024
Solidarity with Dimitri Lescaris and the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the WarSolidarity with Dimitri Lescaris and the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

Solidarity with Dimitri Lescaris and the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War

STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY June 26, 2023 Workers World Party expresses its full solidarity with Dimitri Lescaris and the Hamilton Coalition…

July 6, 2023
Join antiwar actions Oct. 15-22!Join antiwar actions Oct. 15-22!

Join antiwar actions Oct. 15-22!

The United National Antiwar Coalition issued this statement Oct. 7. Back to the streets! Say NO to U.S. wars! Stop…

October 14, 2022
The drums of war grow ever louder: Declaration of constitution of the Madrid Platform Against NATO and the BasesThe drums of war grow ever louder: Declaration of constitution of the Madrid Platform Against NATO and the Bases

The drums of war grow ever louder: Declaration of constitution of the Madrid Platform Against NATO and the Bases

By Madrid Platform Madrid, Sept. 20. Madrid Platform Against NATO and Bases. Translation: John Catalinotto The centers of power of…

September 30, 2022
UNAC says: ‘End the U.S.-NATO proxy war with Russia’UNAC says: ‘End the U.S.-NATO proxy war with Russia’

UNAC says: ‘End the U.S.-NATO proxy war with Russia’

The United National Antiwar Coalition issued the following statement on the eve of demonstrations and conferences against the NATO Meeting…

June 27, 2022
‘Take This War and Shove It’ − The coming of age of a Vietnam War military resister‘Take This War and Shove It’ − The coming of age of a Vietnam War military resister

‘Take This War and Shove It’ − The coming of age of a Vietnam War military resister

“Take This War and Shove It − A Most Unwilling Soldier 1967-1971,” by Greg Laxer, Unbearable Truth Publications, 2021, 327…

April 22, 2022