The recent film “War Machine,” made by Brad Pitt and released by Netflix, centers around an egotistical general commanding U.S.…
More than 40 people came to the Times Square military recruiting station in Manhattan, N.Y., on April 14 to demand…
A Nov. 14 article in the New York Times suggests that the Netherlands-based International Criminal Court may investigate the United…
Sept. 18 — Professor Neta Crawford of the Watson Institute at Brown University released a report detailing the costs, both…
In October, the Pentagon will have occupied Afghanistan for 15 years. It is already the longest-running U.S. imperialist war in…
Using smoke and mirrors in Afghanistan, the Obama administration is seeking to convince the world that there will be “an…
There is no end in sight to the U.S. war in Afghanistan, now the longest war in U.S. history. Despite…
Oct. 5 -- Two days after a U.S. airstrike targeted and destroyed a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, 10 patients and…
Atlanta -- On Aug. 21, a crowd of family members and community activists gathered at the DeKalb County Courthouse to…
For the second time, a Fulton County grand jury failed to indict a Union City cop in the shooting of…