Middle East

U.S. Out of Syria

The city of Aleppo in Syria has been liberated from reactionary fighters — those supported by the U.S., Qatar, Saudi…

December 21, 2016

Speaking tour exposes U.S. lies about Syria

Independent Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett has continued her U.S. speaking tour representing the Hands Off Syria Coalition. Before a packed…

December 19, 2016

A young worker’s take on Syria

The following slightly edited commentary was posted on Facebook by WW contributor Mattie Starrdust on Dec. 14 after the liberation…

December 19, 2016

Syrian army wins control of most of Aleppo

Syrian government forces now control up to 93 percent of the city of Aleppo, at one time the country’s most…

December 14, 2016

Hands Off Syria kicks off speaking tour

New York - It was standing-room-only at the Manhattan Theatre Club. People not able to find seats stood in the…

December 11, 2016

War against Syria defines today’s imperialism

The war against Syria is not just another imperialist adventure. It is not just some pirate ships leaving the port…

December 7, 2016

Wars on Iraq, Afghanistan costing $5 trillion

Sept. 18 — Professor Neta Crawford of the Watson Institute at Brown University released a report detailing the costs, both…

September 25, 2016

An open letter to Colin Kaepernick from Toni Smith-Thompson, anti-Iraq war protester

Toni Smith-Thompson is a former member of the Manhattanville College women’s basketball team who protested the start of the U.S.…

August 30, 2016

Display to honor Gazan children killed by Israel

Des Moines, Iowa The American Friends Service Committee will honor the victims of Israel’s 2014 military assault on Gaza with…

July 29, 2016

No RE/MAX sales of Palestinian land!

Speakers from two groups concerned with the rights of Palestinians spoke to the international shareholders’ meeting of the RE/MAX company…

May 13, 2016