Middle East

Protesters for Palestine to Philharmonic: ‘Violins, not Zionist Violence’

Over 70 people participated in a rally and press conference outside the Kimmel Center on April 6 to protest the…

April 9, 2018

Israeli massacre in Gaza protested

Within a few hours of the news that Israel had attacked the Great March of Return, a crowd gathered in…

April 6, 2018

WWP condemns Israeli massacre of protesters in Gaza

Workers World Party condemns the brutal massacre of peaceful Palestinian protesters by Israeli occupation forces in Gaza on March 30.…

April 1, 2018

Imperialists escalate Syria war

At the end of 2017, millions around the world celebrated the near defeat of Daesh (ISIS/ISIL/IS) by the Syrian Arab…

February 26, 2018

U.S., Israel escalate war on Syria

Feb. 11 — In the past week, the U.S. military opened a new bombing attack on forces loyal to the…

February 12, 2018

The war and the media — Double standards for Mosul, Iraq, and Aleppo, Syria

The Pentagon made its largest bombing attack inside Syria since last April on Feb. 6, striking pro-Syrian government forces at…

February 10, 2018

Atlanta artists drop banners for Palestine

A collective of artists in Atlanta on Jan. 25 dropped several 12-by-20 foot banners in solidarity with Palestine over busy…

January 29, 2018

Turkey invades Syria to save U.S. war

Jan. 27 — While shelling the Syrian Democratic Forces-occupied Afrin district in Syria, Turkey announced Jan. 19 the beginning of…

January 28, 2018

Palestinian youth defy Trump & Israeli soldiers

“The young women shown assaulting the soldiers ‘should finish their lives in prison’” was the view expressed by Israeli Education…

January 10, 2018

Workers World Party solidarity message to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

The following is the solidarity statement that Workers World Party sent to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine…

December 24, 2017