Middle East

Police, private security try to suppress antiwar rally in Buffalo

Buffalo, N.Y.  In conjunction with actions in the U.S. and internationally, some 50 anti-war activists demonstrated Jan. 25 in the…

January 27, 2020

UNAC 2020 Conference aims to unite the antiwar movement!

With protesters marching in hundreds of cities around the world against the U.S. empire’s war plans against Iran and Iraq,…

January 27, 2020

Lebanon demonstrators storm banks, demand new government

Beirut, Lebanon Published in the German daily newspaper Junge Welt, Jan. 16. Translation: John Catalinotto. For some people in Lebanon…

January 20, 2020

Jan. 25 — Global Day of Protest — No war on Iran!

When President Trump ordered the assassination of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani in early January, tens of thousands of people protested…

January 20, 2020

Sanctions harm reconstruction in Syria’s Homs province 

Published in Junge Welt, Dec. 16. Translation by John Catalinotto. According to Gov. Talal Barasi, about half a million people…

January 16, 2020

San Francisco Labor Council Resolution: ”Support the rising anti-war and pro-peace movement” 

The following resolution was adopted Jan. 13 by unanimous vote of the San Francisco Labor Council. Whereas, President Trump has…

January 16, 2020

Iran-Iraq solidarity grows amid U.S. threats

United States policy toward both Iran and Iraq is based not on “bad advice” or howling blunders by President Donald…

January 14, 2020

EE.UU. amenaza con una guerra más amplia en Iraq, Irán

7 de enero – Manifestaciones enormes en Irán, Iraq y en toda la región están expresando ira antiimperialista y señalando…

January 12, 2020

Buffalo protest demands: No war on Iran!

A large, noisy crowd turned out in Buffalo, N.Y.,  Jan. 9, chanting nonstop to demand all U.S. troops be pulled…

January 12, 2020

Targeting Iraq, Iran: U.S. threatens wider war

Jan 7--Enormous demonstrations in Iran, Iraq and region-wide are expressing anti-imperialist rage, and signaling a new day, a rebirth of…

January 7, 2020