Middle East

Tell Biden: Stop bombing Syria!

It has taken only 36 days in office for the Biden administration to show the world, through a bombing attack…

February 25, 2021

Evaluating Biden’s Yemen policy: Bait and switch

Feb. 7 — President Joe Biden seemed to announce an end to Washington’s complete support for Saudi Arabia’s war on…

February 8, 2021

U.S. empire wages 30-year war against Iraq

From the perspective of the world’s youth, U.S. imperialism has been waging war on Iraq their entire lives. Iraqi children…

January 29, 2021

Tunisia’s Arab Spring 10 years old, people again in the streets

Ten years ago the Arab Spring — a vast mass movement that swept through the Arab world, shaking up all…

January 27, 2021

Elliott Abrams, fire your own president; you couldn’t fire mine in Venezuela.

The writer was the director of international relations in Venezuela’s presidential office and the country’s ambassador to Nicaragua. Currently, he…

January 25, 2021

30 years ago: U.S. imperialism provoked war with Iraq

Published Jan. 15 in Il Manifesto. Translation: John Catalinotto.                                        At 2:20 a.m. on Jan. 17, 1991 (Gulf time), U.S. helicopters…

January 22, 2021

Pro-Palestine teenagers defy Israeli military

Sixty Israeli teenagers signed an open letter on Jan. 5 explaining their refusal to be conscripted into the Israeli Defense…

January 12, 2021

Nature under settler colonialism in Palestine

By Rana Baker This slightly edited presentation was given by Rana Baker, a Palestinian PhD student at Columbia University, during…

December 14, 2020

Palestine Writes: A labor of love

Originally scheduled to take place in New York City this March, but canceled due to the pandemic, the Palestine Writes…

December 7, 2020

Trump and Somalia

The outgoing president took another deceptive public step on Dec. 2: He ordered the remaining 700 U.S. troops out of…

December 7, 2020