Middle East

Rightist militia fires on demonstrators in Lebanon

Demonstrators at an unarmed march in southern Beirut Oct. 14 were fired on by snipers from the Lebanese Forces, a…

October 20, 2021

Arab Americans for Syria activist says:
U.S. applied ‘divide and conquer’ strategy to Lebanon, Iraq

Following the armed attack by the Lebanese Forces militia on Hezbollah and its allies at a demonstration in Beirut Oct.…

October 20, 2021

Iran, Syria challenge U.S. sanctions with solidarity shipments to Lebanon

A delivery of tankers of diesel fuel from Iran and Syria to sanctioned Lebanon is a historic breakthrough with both…

September 21, 2021

Palestinian prisoners recaptured: ‘This is not the time to despair’ 

On Sept. 6, millions around the world celebrated as news spread that six Palestinian political prisoners had liberated themselves from…

September 17, 2021

As occupation ends, U.S. lies to hide crimes

The bloody final week of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan is replaying Washington’s crimes of the past 20 years. A…

August 30, 2021

Ya se ha oído todo antes

Ya lo hemos oído todo antes. El gobierno de Estados Unidos reclama un complot, una agresión o una crisis humanitaria…

August 30, 2021

You’ve heard it all before

We’ve heard it all before. The U.S. government claims a plot, an aggression or a humanitarian crisis in another country.…

August 23, 2021

Hunger strike in NY opposes Egyptian repression

The international campaign to oppose President Abdul Fatah el Sisi’s repression in Egypt has come to New York City. Medhat…

August 5, 2021

Israelis prevent political prisoner from attending daughter’s funeral

The latest cruelty the Israeli state inflicted on the Jarrar family followed the tragic and untimely death of Suha Jarrar…

July 22, 2021

After the First Intifada: ‘Prisoners build their own weapons of defense and strength’

Dr. Amal Wahdan is the founder and editor of the Arab Gazette, as well as an organizer with One Democratic…

July 19, 2021