Middle East

Nakba Day in Portland

Portland, Oregon On May 14-15 Portland activists commemorated the Nakba — the day in 1948 that Israeli settlers and governmental…

May 17, 2022

South Bronx in solidarity with Palestine

The following remarks were given by International Action Center activist Richie Merino at the Al Quds demonstration in New York…

May 2, 2022

‘By Any Means Necessary’ rally supports Palestinian resistance

New York City Hundreds of protestors marched through midtown Manhattan streets April 20 in support of the Palestinian liberation struggle.…

April 25, 2022

Defend Alice Walker: anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

While the war in Ukraine — egged on by U.S. imperialism and its NATO ally — continues to dominate the…

April 25, 2022

Los palestinos resisten el ataque israelí a la mezquita

Las fuerzas de ocupación israelíes asaltaron violentamente a los fieles palestinos el 15 de abril, durante las oraciones matutinas en…

April 25, 2022

Palestinians resist Israeli attack on mosque

Israeli occupation forces violently raided Palestinian worshippers on April 15, during early morning prayers at the al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied…

April 20, 2022

El mundo quiere la paz, Biden amenaza con la guerra

29 de marzo - Encuestas recientes muestran que la mayoría de la gente en Estados Unidos teme que la crisis…

April 4, 2022

Rejecting Israeli occupation
Palestinian American fired by elite school

Athletic trainer Natalie Abulhawa, a Palestinian-American Muslim, held a March 16 press conference in Philadelphia to announce the filing of…

March 24, 2022

Israel’s repression of Palestinian universities

The following was excerpted from a statement issued in response to a March 12 call to action by Birzeit University…

March 24, 2022

The West has lost all credibility

Last year, an elementary school in Birmingham, Alabama, forbade their students from discussing the occupation of Palestine, due to the…

March 7, 2022