Latin America & the Caribbean

To live like Fidel, to fight like Fidel

Excerpted from a talk given at the Dec. 1 Workers World Party meeting in New York City. There are as…

December 15, 2016

Gracias, Fidel

Gracias, Fidel Gracias le doy a la vida por mi cielo ser boricua, mi alma, nacionalista y mi credo, Fidelista.…

December 11, 2016

Mensaje de condolencias de la Red de Mujeres en Lucha del Centro de Acción Internacional

Las y los miembros del Centro de Acción Internacional y de su organización hermana, la Red de Mujeres en Lucha,…

December 11, 2016

Fidel and Billy Dean Smith

It was Sept. 28, 1972. Angela Davis and Fidel Castro were speaking at a mass meeting in Havana. Davis, recently…

December 10, 2016

Para Fidel: Fidel Castro-Ruz (1926-2016): VIVA FIDEL!

Fidel Castro, father of the 1959 Cuban Revolution, has died, after 90 years of a life of rebellion and resistance.…

December 10, 2016

Black Lives Matter: Lessons from Fidel

We are feeling many things as we awaken to a world without Fidel Castro. There is an overwhelming sense of…

December 10, 2016

Fidel’s enduring lesson: Yes, revolution is possible

Cuba’s nine-day, islandwide farewell to Fidel Castro ended Dec. 4 in Santiago de Cuba on the island’s southwest tip. The…

December 6, 2016

Haitians protest election shenanigans

The Haitian presidential election was held on Nov. 20 in such a serene fashion that the country’s ruling class, with…

December 4, 2016


The death of Fidel Castro Ruz on Nov. 25 shook the world. The great revolutionary leader not only guided, but…

December 1, 2016

Kaepernick defends Cuba’s gains

Colin Kaepernick, the African-American quarterback with the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers, has arguably been the number one story…

December 1, 2016