Latin America & the Caribbean

Minneapolis: Another city votes for Cuba

Minneapolis is now the eighth U.S. city to call for ending the U.S. blockade of Cuba. The City Council unanimously…

May 28, 2018

Capitalism, Cuba and human rights

Scarcely one month apart, the U.S. and Cuba each released a review of human rights. On April 20, the U.S.…

May 25, 2018

Detroit ministers host Cuban church leader

Detroit — The Rev. Joel Ortega Dopico, president of the Cuban Council of Churches, and Gail Walker, executive director of the Interreligious…

May 25, 2018

Haitian workers march for living wage

Inflation is a cruel blow in Haiti, where the per capita income is $350 a year ($409 in urban areas),…

May 25, 2018

Haitian Unity Day cheered

Boston held its annual Haitian Unity Day Parade on May 20, celebrating the victory of the 1804 Haitian Revolution. This…

May 24, 2018

Haitians demand: ‘Trump must go!’

Washington, D.C. — Haitians and their supporters rallied in front of the White House on May 19 to protest Trump’s racism and…

May 24, 2018

U.S. delegation celebrates May Day with Cuba

    Havana — More than 70 allies of Cuba living in the U.S. celebrated International Workers’ Day in Havana…

May 16, 2018

May Day in Puerto Rico: Mass marches combat austerity & privatization

On May Day, the extreme political devastation in the Puerto Rican archipelago was clearly shown. The lines of combat were…

May 8, 2018

Puerto Rico en 1ro de mayo: el Pueblo Unido traza las líneas de combate

El pasado 1ro de mayo se expuso claramente la extrema situación de devastación política en el archipiélago puertorriqueño. Se trazaron…

May 8, 2018

Boston welcomes Puerto Rican freedom fighter

Boston — Puerto Rican activists, freedom fighters and supporters gathered here on April 28 in the Villa Victoria Center for…

May 3, 2018