Latin America & the Caribbean

The united lies of the global ruling class

Jan. 27 -- The ultra-right media and the mainstream corporate media took a break this week from some months of…

January 28, 2019

World outrage grows to stop the U.S. coup in Venezuela

Bulletin, Jan. 29 -- Yesterday the U.S. government announced new sanctions against PDVSA, Venezuela's nationalized oil company. These sanctions freeze…

January 27, 2019

Venezuela’s people mobilize behind Maduro

This article, original published at (, was translated by Workers World Managing Editor John Catalinotto. Jan. 27 -- Convincing…

January 27, 2019

Venezuela defends itself from U.S.-orchestrated coup

Jan. 25 -- In Venezuela, Jan. 23 has been a historically significant date ever since 1958 when military dictator Marcos…

January 25, 2019

A view from France of the ongoing coup attempt in Venezuela

The author directed this article to a French audience. Published in RT on Jan. 24, it explains some of the…

January 25, 2019

Cuban Communist Party says, ‘Venezuela is not alone’

The following article appeared in the Jan. 25 English edition of Granma, the official voice of the Communist Party of…

January 25, 2019

Buffalo activists brave storm to defend Venezuela gov’t

Jan. 25 -- At 7:30 a.m. today, intrepid organizers and activists in snowy, cold and windy Buffalo, N.Y., put up…

January 25, 2019

Workers World Party statement: U.S. hands off Venezuela!

Workers World Party calls on the movement here in the U.S. to unite in the streets to defend the elected…

January 24, 2019

Emergency Actions Called: U.S. Hands off Venezuela! No U.S.-backed Coup!

Workers all over the world have a stake in Venezuela’s future. While the U.S. government strangles millions of workers here…

January 24, 2019

Mumia Abu-Jamal commentary: Venezuela and presidential legitimacy

The following slightly edited commentary was written by political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal and is posted on Prison Radio. Jan. 24…

January 24, 2019