Latin America & the Caribbean

Show solidarity with Cuba!

Washington, D.C. — Education is under attack in both the United States and its colony of Puerto Rico. In socialist…

September 12, 2018

Reform and revolution

This article about the Cuban Revolution by Workers World Party founder Sam Marcy first appeared in the WW issue of…

September 12, 2018

Puerto Rico resists

By Cheryl LaBash and Berta Joubert-Ceci San Juan, Puerto Rico A dramatic, torch-lit nighttime march through the streets of the…

September 7, 2018

Héroes de Honduras: Margarita Murillo, ¡presente!

Los niños y jóvenes de Honduras un día veran a este período de la historia con gran lamento. La política…

September 3, 2018

Heroes from Honduras: Margarita Murillo, ¡presente!

The children and youth of Honduras will one day look back at this period in history with great lament. U.S.…

August 26, 2018

Rally for solidarity with striking Puerto Rican teachers

Puerto Rican teachers went on strike Aug. 15 to save the island’s public school system from U.S.-imposed austerity attacks. A…

August 20, 2018

Crisis deepens in Puerto Rico as Junta seizes educational system

The crisis of the Puerto Rican nation continues spiraling downward and is about to hit bottom. The main news every…

August 15, 2018

Massive mobilizations support Maduro after drone attack in Venezuela

With massive demonstrations in Caracas and other cities on Aug. 6,   hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans showed their support for…

August 9, 2018

Behind the assassination attempt in Venezuela

Aug. 7 — An assassination attempt on Aug. 5 on the life of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro prompted headlines in…

August 6, 2018

Philly protests U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico

On July 25, 1898, U.S. Marines invaded Puerto Rico. The U.S. continues to occupy that nation 120 years later, against…

August 1, 2018