Latin America & the Caribbean

No U.S./U.N.-backed military intervention in Haiti

The United States has been looking for a new way to intervene in Haiti for nearly two years. The multiple…

September 7, 2023

New York City rally for Puerto Rico’s struggle for independence

A rally took place Aug. 26 in front of the U.S. military recruiting station in Times Square in New York…

August 30, 2023

Haiti: U.N. sanctioned occupation is a done deal

The U.S. government has finally found a country in the Global South willing to lead a U.N.-approved intervention “to assist…

August 18, 2023

‘Cuba will never renounce its socialist system of social justice’ – Speech by Cuban Ambassador to U.N.

New York City The following slightly edited talk was given by Ambassador Gerardo Peñalver, the Permanent Representative of Cuba at…

August 2, 2023

History will absolve me – the July 26, 1953, attack on Moncada Barracks, Cuba

Sometimes reality surpasses fiction. In a way, this is the case with the Cuban Revolution. Seventy years ago, a few…

August 1, 2023

‘La historia me absolverá’ − El asalto del cuartel Moncada en Cuba en 1953

Traducido del neerlandés para Rebelión por Sven Magnus. Revisado por Beatriz Morales Bastos. A veces la realidad supera a la…

July 31, 2023

On the 70th anniversary of Moncada, celebrate the Cuban Revolution with Workers World

Workers World/Mundo Obrero joins with the Cuban people in celebrating the 70th anniversary of an event which changed the course…

July 29, 2023

U.S. activists visit Nicaragua to mark revolutionary gains

Special to Workers World Workers World Party members from Boston and Portland joined the Jubilee House Community’s solidarity delegation in…

July 19, 2023

Haitians throughout the world demand ‘relief’

Thousands of Haitians came out in the streets in over 70 countries July 9 to demand “relief” for Haiti. The…

July 19, 2023

Iran joins forces with Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua to blow back U.S. sanctions

This lightly edited article is reprinted from Resumen Latinoamericano English edition which was posted on June 19, 2023.  The President…

July 3, 2023