Latin America & the Caribbean

Bolivarian revolution and Black liberation

Portland’s Hands Off Venezuela PDX sponsored a Skype teach-in on Aug. 17 with Dr. Layla Brown-Vincent, an assistant professor of…

August 21, 2019

¿Es posible un bloqueo naval de EE.UU. contra Venezuela?

19 de agosto -- El magnate presidente Donald Trump ha insistido en el bloqueo naval como opción a tomar contra…

August 21, 2019

U.S. persecutes defenders of Venezuelan Embassy

Having failed to instigate a right-wing coup d’etat to overthrow the progressive, independent government of Venezuela, the U.S. government is…

August 17, 2019

Puerto Rican people topple colonial puppets

The overwhelming power of the people in Puerto Rico has toppled the governorship of Ricardo Rosselló in just 12 days. …

August 14, 2019

Trump seizes Venezuelan assets in U.S.

First published in pá on Aug. 7. Translation by Michael Otto. President Donald Trump has taken a new step to…

August 13, 2019

Union resolution: End the Colonial Status of Puerto Rico!

The resolution below was adopted by the Pennsylvania Federation Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees Division of the International Brotherhood…

August 8, 2019

We demand the resignation of Pedro Pierluisi & the dictatorial fiscal control board

The following statement was issued by A Call to Action on Puerto Rico on Aug. 4. The organization can be…

August 6, 2019

Huelga de Puerto Rico: doce días sacuden al imperio

6 de agosto -- Después de la publicación de este artículo, el gobernador renunció, pero el pueblo permanece en las…

August 6, 2019

Exigimos la renuncia de Pedro Pierluisi y la junta dictatorial

4 de agosto de 2019. El colectivo A Call to Action on Puerto Rico / Un Llamado a la Acción…

August 6, 2019

Venezuelan economy: more complex than you think

Interview by Marco Teruggi with Venezuelan economic analyst Luis Salas Rodríguez published July 16 in Translation by Michael Otto.…

August 1, 2019